I was recently working with a co-worker, and repeatedly said something along the lines of: “Do X/Y/Z actions”. He was not as familiar with the tools as I was, and I realized while walking through the non-shortcut-key method, some things were incredibly inefficient to get to… and we know I can’t accept that. So I figured it would be useful to share some common shortcuts. I’ll call out the specific apps in context, but the one assumption that should be made is everything is Mac specific. Other than a 2 week stint with a Surface Pro recently (more in another post), I haven’t touched Windows in YEARS… i’m talking Windows ME.


Of course since I’m a Geek, I need to quantify the effort related to every movement… or else we wouldn’t know if it’s truly better or not, vs just habit. I’ll put them into the notes for each below in the format:  Cost: [item_and_value item=”Item Name” val=”X”][/item_and_value]

  • [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action, Single Key” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
  • [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action, Simple Typing (words)” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action, Multi-key-press” val=”2 to 4″][/item_and_value] (based on complexity)
  • [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
    • I won’t call out any movements that are usually less than 100 pixels
  • [item_and_value item=”Selection” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
    • I set this at 2 instead of 1 because of detail
  • [item_and_value item=”Mouse Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
  • [item_and_value item=”Device Movement, switching to/from keyboard/mouse” val=”4″][/item_and_value]
    • I consider this one of the worst for flow


Generally Useful in most apps:

  • UNDO
    • This is the all-time most important keyboard shortcut!!!
    • Press: cmd + z  <– Mac
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
    • oops, don’t keep
  • RE-DO
    • Note: It just wouldn’t be complete without this one either. Be sure to test this one in each Application, as some apps will do funky things with it, like Photoshop. Some apps will also have a different combination… again, like Photoshop
    • Press: cmd + y  <– Mac
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
    • Often you can also press: cmdshift + z

These can both be repeated in most apps, and it will traverse the history of actions. Think of each action you did as a track on a CD/Playlist, and you are moving sequentially.

Animated example of Undo/Redo

— This space is intentional so that you REALLY think about the importance of the 2 shortcuts above —
Memorized them now? Ok, then we can continue.


  • Copy [Text/Images/Links/etc]:
    • The “Long” Way:
      • Select the text, go to the global menu (way up at the top of your screen), select Edit, then select Copy.
      • Cost = 3 :   [item_and_value item=”Selection” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”3″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
    • Method 1: Mouse Shortcut
      • Select the text, Right-click, Select Copy
      • Consideration: Might be disabled by some sites, especially in Web Applications
      • Cost = 3 :   [item_and_value item=”Selection” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Mouse Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”v” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
    • Method 2: Keyboard Shortcut
      • Select the text, Press: cmd + c  <– Mac
      • Select the text, Press: ctrl + c <– Windows
      • Cost = 3 :  [item_and_value item=”Selection” val=”1″][/item_and_value] +  [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • CUT [Text/Images/Links/etc]:
    • Note: Just remember that it will COPY then REMOVE the item. Some applications like Excel might keep the content there until you Paste though.
    • Exactly as Copy, just switch c with x
  • Paste [Text/Images/Links/etc]:
    • Note: All methods start with moving the cursor to the spot you want to place copied content into
    • The “Long” Way:
      • Go to the global menu, select Edit, then select Paste
      • Cost = 4 :   [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
    • Method 1: Mouse Shortcut
      • Right-click, Select Paste
      • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
        • Potential add of [item_and_value item=”Device Movement” val=”4″][/item_and_value] if not using Copy Method 1 (mouse) prior
    • Method 2: Keyboard Shortcut
      • Press: cmd + c  <– Mac
      • Press: ctrl + c <– Windows
      • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • Quick Selection
    • These are the ways to select text without the mouse
    • Select All Text [in current page/field]:
      • Press: cmd + a  <– Mac
    • Select Left/Right
      • Note: When using this one, you can only go in ONE direction, so if you hit Left, then hitting right will undo, and the same in reverse. Also, this is always relative to the current text cursor position (the blinking vertical line)
      • Press: shift  then press either ( left -or- right ) <– All Systems
      • Cost = 2: [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
    • Select to Beginning/End of Line
      • Note: Like the Select Left/Right above, except this will go all the way to the end
      • Press-and-hold: shift + ( ctrl -or- cmd ) then press either ( left -or- right ) <– All Systems
      • Cost = 3: [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Key-press” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
    • Select by Word
      • Note: This is a handy one, but I’ll concede that it might be a bit awkward at first
      • Press:  shiftalt + then press either ( left -or- right )
      • Cost = 4: [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Key-press” val=”1″][/item_and_value] . (Since this is awkward, i’m making it 4)
      • Alternatively you can also double-click on a word… truthfully, I use this method more often
      • Cost = 1: [item_and_value item=”Click val=”1″][/item_and_value] (I won’t count the second click since its pretty minimal effort)
    • Select by FULL Line
      • Note: This is a handy one, but test out in each Application, as some will treat positioning in the next/previous line funky. Specifically, it is common for it to start in your current column of text and move the next/previous line and end the selection that same column. Others will extend the selection the beginning and end of current line, THEN move cursor in the appropriate direction. Know Your Tool.
      • Press:  shift then press either ( up -or- down )
      • Cost = 4: [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Key-press” val=”1″][/item_and_value] . (Since this is awkward, i’m making it 4)
    • Add/Remove to existing selection
      • Note: This will add 1 character at a time
      • Press-and-Hold: shift then press either ( left -or- right )
      • Cost = 2: [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
      • You can also use combinations of the other selectors like Beginning/End-of-Line and By-Word from above
    • Add/Remove to Specific Point
      • Note: This one brings in the mouse, but its one of the times when it is the most effective method
      • Press-and-Hold: shift then Click at the location you want to extend/decrease the selection to
      • Cost = 3: [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Key Hold” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Mouse Movement” val=”1″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Click” val=”1″][/item_and_value]
  • Quick Cursor Movements
    • Sometimes you don’t need to Select, just change the cursor position, these are shortcuts for that. You’ll note they are just some of the modifiers from the above Selection methods, just without the shift.
    • Move Left/Right by 1 Character
      • Simply Press: either ( left -or- right )
    • Move Left/Right by 1 WORD
      • Press-and-hold:  alt + then press either ( left -or- right )
    • Move Left/Right by full Line
      • Press-and-hold:  cmd + then press either ( left -or- right )
      • You can also Press-and-hold:  ctrl + then press either ( a for beginning  -or-  e for end )
        • This one is useful if you work within Terminal a bunch
    • Move to Top or Bottom
      • Press-and-hold:  cmd + then press either ( up -or- down )
  • Delete Left of Current
    • Note: This is a quick way to remove a row if you are at the end, or everything prior to the current point
    • Press-and-hold:  alt + then press either ( left -or- right )


  • Save:
    • Press: cmd + s
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • Print:
    • Press: cmd + p
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • Find:
    • Press: cmd + f
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • Find Next/Previous:
    • Press: cmd + g
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
    • You can also do cmdshiftg to go backwards through results


General System Usage

There are even some shortcuts that do things at a global system level, vs just a specific app. These are great for navigation between apps / window management, launching and quitting apps.

  • Switching Applications
    • Note: On Mac this is APPLICATIONS, even if you have multiple WINDOWS for that application running. On Windows, this will actually rotate through all WINDOWS
    • Press-and-hold: cmd and then press tab, then release
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
    • You can continue to hold cmd, then hit tab multiple times to continue cycling through options
  • Switching between WINDOWS
    • Note: Each application can have multiple windows open, and sometimes we just want to select a different one, vs switching applications
    • Press-and-hold: cmd and then press tab, then release
    • You can continue to hold cmd, then hit tab multiple times to continue cycling through options
    • Cost = 4 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”4″][/item_and_value]
      • setting this one to 4 because its kind of quirky until your hand gets used to it. Lots of people end up hitting the 1esc, or f1 keys depending on keyboard
  • Going Backwards
    • Note: To up your navigation game, you can add the shift key while cycling windows/application, and go left vs right
    • Cost = 4 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”4″][/item_and_value]
      • setting this one to 4 because its kind of quirky until your hand gets used to it… if you ever can
  • Launching Applications
    • The “Long” way(s):
      • Adding the application to your dock (potentially many steps) Cost = 6-12
      • Switching to Launch Pad, scrolling through apps, clicking app Cost = 5
      • Opening Finder, navigating to Applications, Double-clicking the application.  Cost = 6-12
    • Method 1: Spotlight
      • Press-and-hold: cmd and then press space, then release, type in application name
      • Cost = 4 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value] + [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action, Simple Typing (words)” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • Closing Windows
    • Note: I’m calling out WINDOWS vs APPLICATIONS here. Be sure you are using the correct one. This will close the active window, but not the Application. On Windows, if this window is the last open with that application, it will close that Application as well… Mac will continue to run.
    • Press: cmd + w
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]
  • Closing Applications
    • Note: This will quit the entire Application, closing all open Windows. Remember that on Mac, by default (the developers can code some exceptions), this is required to end an application. Be warned that not all applications are smart enough to ask you about unsaved work, or that you are closing multiple windows at a time… specifically Chrome
    • Press: cmd + q
    • Cost = 2 :   [item_and_value item=”Keyboard Action: Multi-key-press” val=”2″][/item_and_value]


That’s quite a few to get started with. Work out which combination of methods is the most efficient for you. Please do share any thoughts on the scoring (I’m sure I’ll be editing it again in days because I can’t stop tinkering), or if there are shortcuts you simply can’t live without.