The Quest for a Lighter Travel Load
I have a Day Job (Tealium) and then I have my own life. As a geek that means 2 computers… correction, as a PARANOID geek, that means 2 computers. Sadly that also means 2 phones, and so far only 1 tablet (but that’s just for video, shopping, and browsing). I like a nice healthy separation […]

Listening To: Groove Companion # 4
Checking out a 3 hour mix from Groove Companion. 3 hours is perfect… but I’ll also except 4+ 🙂 Gramatik and Proleter are two of my favorites. Kognitiff is new to me, but digging it. He’s some more funk, but I like that. Poldoore has come up in a couple other mixes, and I […]

External Read: Google Map’s Moat
Ok seriously, I think i just had a brain melt moment… this is some serious geekiness. I was talking to my buddy Marcus about how I hated how Google Maps started doing a “smart zoom” at different points, which upset me. The argument is that they are making it “friendlier” for the masses, giving […]

Presenting Tip: Do Not Disturb
One big n00b mistake is to leave notifications on during a presentation. Nothing worse that having that embarrassing “Did you get that rash looked at yet?” from Mom, or “Gosh, these guys are clueless” from a co-worker, during your presentation. This can be easily avoided by using OSX’s “Do Not Disturb” mode. Sorry, Windows folks, […]

External Read: Reverse Engineer Obfuscated Code
2-in-2 so far with back-to-back gems found in the wild that are worth sharing. Came across this one in Javascript Weekly, showing a walk through of debugging code to figure out how a pop-under service is getting around browser restrictions to serve those “oh-so-loved” pop-under’s.

External Read: Chihuahua or Muffin
But one question I haven’t seen anyone answer is just how good IS modern AI at removing the uncertainty of an image that could resemble a chihuahua or a muffin? For your entertainment and education, I’ll be investigating this question today. Mariya Yao Ok, in all seriousness… how could you NOT click on that title? I received […]

Regex for “Token” Replacement
I think this is the Regex statement I use the most, and yet every single time I end up writing it 3 different ways before getting it correct. It came in handy again when I was writing my post about Keyboard Shortcuts, as I created a shorthand to be replaced by a larger html snippet […]

Shortcut Keys – Part 1
I was recently working with a co-worker, and repeatedly said something along the lines of: “Do X/Y/Z actions”. He was not as familiar with the tools as I was, and I realized while walking through the non-shortcut-key method, some things were incredibly inefficient to get to… and we know I can’t accept that. So I […]

Couldn’t find a picture of American Airlines?
Not sure I could let this one slide without some scolding. They must have hundreds of photos available to them to use, with as many photos as people submit. Hell, they do flight reviews… make sure to snap a bunch from the airport before flights. They could even ASK the community to supply one. Or […]