External Read: Reverse Engineer Obfuscated Code

2-in-2 so far with back-to-back gems found in the wild that are worth sharing. Came across this one in Javascript Weekly, showing a walk through of debugging code to figure out how a pop-under service is getting around browser restrictions to serve those “oh-so-loved” pop-under’s.

Regex for “Token” Replacement

I think this is the Regex statement I use the most, and yet every single time I end up writing it 3 different ways before getting it correct. It came in handy again when I was writing my post about Keyboard Shortcuts, as I created a shorthand to be replaced by a larger html snippet […]

jQuery Masonry

So I recently added Masonry to a Bootstrap 3 page, to organize some divs that are within a section with content above and below. Worked great… except the content below was floated overlapping the new laid-out elements from above. The hack’ish “Fix”… use a setTimeout: var masonryOptions_projects = { columnWidth: “.project”, itemSelector: “.project” }; jQuery(“#projects”).masonry(masonryOptions_projects); […]