I came across this because I’m up way too early this morning, and LOVE it. Check out this in-depth post on Color, and how Geeks can understand and experiment with it in web technologies. Also always love any call out to Jack at Greensock A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web
2-in-2 so far with back-to-back gems found in the wild that are worth sharing. Came across this one in Javascript Weekly, showing a walk through of debugging code to figure out how a pop-under service is getting around browser restrictions to serve those “oh-so-loved” pop-under’s.
I think this is the Regex statement I use the most, and yet every single time I end up writing it 3 different ways before getting it correct. It came in handy again when I was writing my post about Keyboard Shortcuts, as I created a shorthand to be replaced by a larger html snippet […]
Javascript Variables This won’t be a lesson in Javascript (though I may have one in the works for future series), but I will touch on a couple data types in examples for accessing those. As covered in the Basics of Browser and Connections post, Javascript lives along-side the rest of the data sources that follow. Javascript […]
One thing that drives me crazy with little things overlooked in OSX, is that so many trends in the interface and general design guides point to Minimalism, and yet the default behavior of taking screenshots is to clutter your desktop. Does this look familiar?
I dial into conference calls multiple times per day. It is super annoying to have to dial different codes, and hit # to store a name that is never used. So I started creating a dialing sequence and storing it into a contact. For TurboBridge it looks like: (555)123-4567,,,00000#,,# Of course (555) 123-4567 gets changed […]
One thing that has been a pain so many times is getting PermaLinks in WordPress to work. And the majority of the time it was because I forgot a simple Option in the Apache Config files, or file permissions. So here is my checklist of things to do to ensure it works (note: all of […]
So I recently added Masonry to a Bootstrap 3 page, to organize some divs that are within a section with content above and below. Worked great… except the content below was floated overlapping the new laid-out elements from above. The hack’ish “Fix”… use a setTimeout: var masonryOptions_projects = { columnWidth: “.project”, itemSelector: “.project” }; jQuery(“#projects”).masonry(masonryOptions_projects); […]