Bonded Internet for the Win

Bonded Internet for the Win

As a full time nomad (starting my 5th year), one of the biggest problems I face constantly is connectivity. Even when I HAVE connectively, its usually pretty bad. I’ve tried a number of solutions, from McDonalds/Hotel/AirBnb/Public 😱 wifi, dedicated Cellular data devices, tethering my phone, and even trying to work off my iPad because it […]

Van Sold… living in Norway

Van Sold… living in Norway

It’s still a bit much processing that my van is gone. A little over 3 weeks ago I watched my van drive off, to never be seen again. Now I am living in Norway. 😱

Time to sell REALLY sell the Van.

Time to sell REALLY sell the Van.

After almost 3 years of semi-fulltime VanLife, it’s time to retire “Candy” my van. For those who follow on Facebook and/or Instagram, you know VanLife has been a LOT of Ups and Downs. Sadly for me, I think it’s been more Down’s. I think a combination of Loneliness, compounded with the extra hardships of Covid lockdowns, plus working more-than-fulltime has been VERY hard. I’ve had some AMAZING experiences with the bad, and I’m super grateful for that.

External Link: Web Developer Merit Badges

External Read: Unraveling the JPEG

External Read: Unraveling the JPEG

External Link: A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web

External Link: A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web

I came across this because I’m up way too early this morning, and LOVE it. Check out this in-depth post on Color, and how Geeks can understand and experiment with it in web technologies. Also always love any call out to Jack at Greensock   A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web

New Desktop – Build and First Week

New Desktop – Build and First Week

So its done. I ditched the grueling, agonizing, torturous, process of picking a new laptop/2-in-1, and went with a beefy desktop to do all my main work. Later I’ll decide what to use while traveling… for now, it’s my iPad. So what did I go with? An Alienware Aurora? Or an Area 51? Some Top-spec […]

Picking a “Travel Computer” – Research

The first hurdle in my quest for a lighter load while traveling is my personal computer. Coming it at 4.02 pounds, and having way more power than I need 90% of the time on the road, I think it’s a fine candidate for down-sizing. The problem is… What to replace it with? Minimal Requirements The […]

Quitting the Internet…

Quitting the Internet…

So I got a great geek share from @Michael Sims today, and it really makes me consider quitting theInternets.  About half-through the Objections section I knew it was fictitious, but none-the-less scary. We, the end-users, really have no protection for sites using crappy code review processes, or virus-ridden ad servers *cough cough openx cough**. At least […]

New Year, No Miles

New Year, No Miles

It’s always depressing to start the new year and see your status down to Zero again. This is what I was greeted with yesterday when I logged in to confirm if I still have a system-wide upgrade that I need to use before it expires. I never even made it down the page far enough […]